Checking Recent Reviews

Hi, everyone! I wanted to share a personal response from a reader that I received back in March. I meant to share this sooner but time was of the essence while An Arrow Against the Wind was in the latter stages of publication.

A reader contacted me via DM on Twitter with the following response to The Bow of Destiny:

“Now the painful question- where is the second book in the series? Very well done book. I am still in awe. I appreciate the craft!”

I was happy to share at that time that An Arrow Against the Wind was due out very soon and got further feedback in reaction:

“The world building, given the different races greeting and customs…usually not talked about. Details details details. The young woman, I couldn’t spell her name from memory, has depth and the relationship between she and Athson. Just all around well done. Thanks for taking the time to do it!”

That was all very nice to receive!

Additionally, an author friend shared my free books on a recent newsletter and got this response back about my books from a subscriber:

“I downloaded both of the free prequels then bought both of the books in his trilogy. I’m chomping at the bit for the third one. You are right. He is an awesome writing.”

Those were very kind words to receive. I’m always happy for readers to contact me with comments and questions and try to respond to them as soon as I am able. Please feel free to contact me here or on any of my social media channels. Thanks again to all the readers who follow The Bow of Hart Saga. I’ve recently posted maps of Denaria on the series menu with links to posts about how I created my map. I’m adding a bit more to the site in upcoming weeks but I’m also busy with writing the next book as well as a few other projects so please bear with me regarding the site.

Thanks for visiting today!


6 thoughts on “Checking Recent Reviews

  1. Those are awesome! I’ve got An Arrow Against the Wind on my Kindle and it’s near the top. I’ve had to go into research reading for my newest novel but I hope it won’t be long before I can discover the new adventure for myself. I so enjoyed The Bow of Destiny!

    1. Thanks, I like to share those interactions sometimes. I’m looking at a minor update to Arrow so you might check for that before you start reading.

  2. I really enjoyed book one and have book two near the top of my TBR list. Like you, though, life sometimes has other ideas of how we should spend our time.

    Those reviews are great. First, because they validate your craft but second, and maybe more importantly, because the writers contacted you directly instead of just leaving an anonymous review online. Those are true fans. Congratulations.

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