Character Takeover – Meet Mandelfred Mandeheim Pt. 4 #CharacterTakeover #EpicFantasy #SwordandSorcery


Hey there! Mandlefred Mandeheim here, stepping in for PH once again. This time, let’s continue with Wish’s role in our investigations into magical crimes.

As an archmage and former spy, I take on private investigations alongside my partner, Wishton Ackford. He used to be a copywriter until he found himself out of work, but he’s proven to be a valuable asset to our endeavors.

Our first case came about after I fell under a curse and lost my job, but Wish has been by my side ever since. He may not have any magical training, but he’s equipped with a fleer gun that can produce magical lightning to help keep him safe while watching my back.

Of course, he’s still susceptible to magic, like the time he fell under an enchantment from Vyara. But I’ve taught him how to assess threats and evade pursuers, and he’s certainly proven himself to be handy on our investigations.

And speaking of investigations, Wish has even found a way to earn us some extra money. He turns our cases into stories for periodicals and writes ads to draw in clients – although most of those cases end up being pretty mundane.

Working for ourselves can be tough, but we’ve managed to carve out a living for ourselves. And I’m just glad to have someone watching my back, no matter their skill level.

Well, that’s all for now. Keep an eye out for more updates from me in the future – PH might need me to step in again! Until then, happy reading and stay safe.


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