Fun Friday: Join Me on Speculative Fiction Cantina

This is an interview from 12/15/17 where I had a good time with host S. Evan Townsend. Just click the link below to listen to the show anytime:

The post for Fun Friday is a day early to remind everyone that I’m being interviewed tomorrow, 12/15/2017. The appearance is on Speculative Fiction Cantina hosted by S. Evan Townsend. The show is an hour long and is hosted live on Blog Talk Radio. Here is the time for the show based on time zones (the show will also be available for replay and I’ll post the link within a day or so of the interview):


If you have time, please join us live. Also on the show will be Dana Pratola, another speculative fiction author. Evan will be interviewing both myself and Dana about our newer books but my focus will mainly be about An Arrow Against the Wind. Each author will read an excerpt during the show. Find out more about the show or my book by clicking either the links or the graphics. Click my “About the Author” graphic below to find out more about me.

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