Archer’s Aim Weekly Progress Report – 4/29/2022

Read about this week’s progress by P. H. Solomon with The Unseen Hand and other projects.

Hello and Happy Friday to everyone! PH here with a weekly progress report. This weekly post is meant to keep me honest about how much I’m doing as well as keep readers informed. As such, the post format may change as some projects progress or roll off the active list due to completion. Regardless, my intention is to keep everyone informed of progress on various items, especially new books up to release. Let’s get started!

The week was unusually busy for me. There was an online conference I attended. Likewise, I had several follow-up appointments. The house phone (yes, I still have one of these) went dead and needed repairs. Other repairs were needed which took services visiting the house. All these distractions and more took up valuable time. I’m almost ready to stay up into the wee hours of the morning and work on project because it’s quiet. Victor Hugo used to do the same thing so maybe I should try it!

The Unseen Hand

The good news is I worked on editing this book everyday and made significant progress. I completed most of the work on the epilogue adventure. The bad news is the work took longer by several days than expected – distractions. Still, I made significant strides with the book and that’s a win for the week.

Next week will provide a more solid picture of how soon I expect to be finished with the book as I take on the first case. On the plus side of revising this case, it’s already been significantly edited, so I expect to move quickly with further revision as I update the book with newer elements to the story and the series. Fingers are crossed regarding the progress, but I’ve cleared up a lot of appointments and broken things around the house.

A Charm in the Hand

As noted last week, this book needs to be polished for review by my editor to have a hope of getting published this year. I’ve made progress on it every day this past week so I expect to complete the immediate work on it this upcoming week and send it off to my editor. If all goes well, that book should be back within a month or so and be awaiting revision once The Nine Jewel Heist is completed. Just finishing the current phase of work on this title is significant and will free more time for TUH and other projects. Expect this project to roll off the weekly report for a while and that’s a good thing!

Miscellaneous Projects

Foremost on my list of these projects is upgrading this website with a new theme as well as some advanced bells and whistles. The other main concern is launching the Archer’s Aim Press imprint.

  1. I toyed with hiring WordPress to handle the site upgrade. I dropped a proverbial line in the water to get a quote on the work. It turns out this work is very expensive, and with all the recent repairs around the house, the project falls back to me rolling out the improvements. I have created several bite-sized projects to space out the work so it can have several functional plateaus on which to rest. A more gradual approach will create additional time for book production.
  2. Archer's Aim PressThe imprint saw probably my most effective progress this past week. I addressed several bottlenecks in my understanding of developing the imprint such that I’m free to push forward on several fronts at once. This change in outlook about developing the imprint led to an updated project list and several details being quickly addressed.
    • Registered ISBNs will be purchased as soon as my latest royalty payment arrives tomorrow.
    • A business card design was completed and a box was ordered.
    • Design plans for the imprint website are being addressed (it won’t be that extensive as I plan to keep it rather simple and straightforward).
    • I’m prepared to push forward with print production of books on Ingram and hope to advance re-publishing The Bow of Destiny in paperback from Ingram (there’s already an edition, but I used a free ISBN and need to re-published with one owned by the imprint).

I’ll share briefly about the additional steps in upcoming weeks as I address them, but I foresee this imprint project making very steady strides for a while and being completed in time to help bolster the release of The Unseen Hand over the summer.

There’s no update from Podium at this time. I don’t know how long the evaluation will be, but it could be several weeks before I know something. If the result is positive, I’ll share ASAP.

Here’s the past post about the subject for those who are interested:

The Unseen Hand submitted to my audio publisher, Podium Audio

That’s all for the week that was. I hope readers get an idea of what it’s like for a self-publishing author, let alone any author. It’s always busy since this post doesn’t cover the rest of what needs my attention, as well as my health concerns.

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Archer's Aim Press

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